Purity of Being Shines Through Flowers in Spain as They Say Yes to Light
Innocence and Purity Expressed by a Columbine
Innocence and purity, paper thin transparent petals, a full heart not afraid to make manifest love and yearning for the light. Shadows encase and protect from harsh winds or too much light. Say yes to beauty, it is a radical, soul-healing act.
Calla Lilies in an Intimate Dance
The simple lines of a calla lily are the epitome of grace and something I aspire to on my path to living well. Their elegantly alluring flowers open out and curl in simultaneously, embodying the push-pull of life. In 1933, Katherine Hepburn spoke these lines, “The calla lilies are in bloom again. Such a strange flower. I carried them on my wedding day, and now I place them here in memory of something that has died.” To me they symbolize the beauty of the edge, while also expressing its fluidity. Things are not always what they seem and perhaps we can cross boundaries between this world and other planes to connect with the energy of those we have lost. Whether it is true or not, might not ultimately matter. The feeling of connection is what counts.
Dancing in the Wind
Life is often challenging and conditions are not always easy. Sometimes, there is a stiff breeze and despite how delicate flowers or our souls might be, there is a choice to curl up and hide, or to open up and ride the currents that connect us with a greater energy. When we open, we can take more light in and dance to the rhythm of life instead of our fears.
An Explosion of Tiny Universes
All of the images in this blog were made in the Jardin Botánico Marimutra in Blanes, Costa Brava. It was a fantastic small botanical garden right on the Mediterranean ocean with spectacular views of the rocky coast. It contained both endemic and exotic plants. I still need to look up what this one is. Looking at it filled me with so much hope. It is possible to blossom all together and lift each other higher, if we can remember that we are all on this earth or stalk together.
Blowing Grasses, Jardin Botánica, Maramutra
One final image for this post, some spectacular backlit grasses blowing in the breeze. When I looked at them, I really did feel that I was in the presence of the veil. My rational mind says that there is separation and finality, but in my heart I know that energy and love continue–even if it is only in our memories. We cannot change the cycle of life, but we can learn to dance in the light and celebrate the moment. Being is more than enough. There is nothing more precious than life, and we come to know this and everything else from being embodied in the space we inhabit. That being said, paying attention will gift us with more than we can envision.